Tabla de Mundial
COVID-19: Daily dashboard
Global case count (as of October 13, 09:21 ET): 238,853,205 confirmed cases; 4,868,661 deaths (2.0%). The following are the 30 countries with the highest case counts as of October 13, 09:21 ET.

* Data sourced from and are as of October 12, unless otherwise indicated; A person is considered partly vaccinated if they have received only one dose of a 2-dose vaccine protocol. A person is considered fully vaccinated if they have received a single-dose vaccine or both doses of a two-dose vaccine.
^ Vaccination data as of October 11; + vaccination data as of October 10; ~ vaccination data as of October 9; ^^ vaccination data as of October 3; ++ vaccination data as of September 26.
NA: Data not available on Our World In Data site.
SOURCE: Johns Hopkins University CSSE; Our World in Data
Tabla de casos en España
Datos por comunidades

* Casos totales confirmados por PCR hasta el 10 de mayo, por PCR e IgM (sólo si hay sintomatología compatible) según la estrategia de vigilancia desde el 11 de mayo y PCR y pruebas de antígeno desde noviembre.
**Positividad del 03/10 al 09/10
Fuente: Ministerio de Sanidad 13/10